Monday, June 23, 2008

Update on Caden

Caden had his second evaluation last week at the Department of Health-Child Development Clinic. At the first eval, he met with a Developmental Pediatrician and then for his second eval, he met with a child psychologist. After the second eval, they disgnosed him with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Integration Dysfunction, and Anxiety. We had suspected it for some time, but it was still very hard to hear. Erick and I have been very overwhelmed and pretty emotional all week. Caden will continue to do speech therapy and he will also be starting a Sensory Preschool. We are also hiring someone to come to our house to work with him. He has a hard road ahead, but we are very optimistic about his future, as are the doctors that we're working with.


Shannon said...

Kristin, my heart goes out to you. I'm glad you are using the resources that are available these days. Keep the optimism and never give up searching for new studies and programs that might come available.

Crystal said...

I am so sorry, for your not so good news. Caden is so lucky to have you and Erick as his parents. You are doing such great things to help him. Keep up the good work and try not to stress too much. I know easier said than done.

I love his birthday party pictures. Too cute.

Sister Hamilton said...

It is a great thing to finally know what you are dealing with, then you are able to move forward at an excellerated pace. It is the not knowing that is so frustrating, trying desperately to understand and cope. I commend you both in doing all you are able to figure out how to help your son the best you can. You are wise parents, may the Lord bless you for the good you do. We all love you and will do what we can to help, keep the faith.
Love you,

Karebear said...

Kristin and Erick,
I can't imagine what you are feeling so I am not even going to try. Just wanted to let you know that we are here for you and your beautiful family!