Thursday, July 17, 2008

Just a quick update on us

I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while. Caden's diagnosis hit me pretty hard and I haven't felt like doing much of anything lately. Erick and I have been going to some evening classes for parents of newly diagnosed autistic children and we are busy getting a home therapy program set up. We can't afford to have anyone come to our house and do therapy with him, so I'm just learning how and doing it myself and it is exhausting. By the time evening rolls around, my patience is gone and I am ready for Erick to take over. On top of all of that, Erick's job is cutting hours, so we are really broke right now and are seriously considering a move to New Mexico at the beginning of next year. It would be a huge pay increase and they have better therapy for Caden there, plus the cost of living is MUCH cheaper. But, anyone who knows me, knows that I don't want to move away from family, so this decision is also weighing heavily on me. Overall, we are hanging in there, just taking it one day at at a time. This isn't meant to be a pity-post, I just decided not to sugar coat it and to tell it like it is. So that's our update. Hopefully life will get easier for us at some point......


Terrie said...

I am sorry that you have to go through all of this. Let me know if you ever need anything, even if it is just having Cierra over for awhile, I'd love to help in some way. You will be in our prayers, hang in there.

Karebear said...

Good luck with your decision making. It is tough! I understand how you don't want a pity party. That's how I feel about the gestational diabetes (which is one reason I haven't posted on my own blog:)

Mary said...

Hey Kristin. Gosh, just reading this makes me teary eyed. Life can be crappy sometimes, despite all the blessings we have surrounding us. But you know, moving away isn't all that bad. It's like an adventure for just your family, and you'll grow together in ways you can't even think of yet. And if it's temporary, then you know you'll be back by family again so that makes it more like a mini adventure. (You're mom's gonna hate me saying that!)
And nothing really helps the sting with Caden's diagnosis except time (if you're like me). Once the "unknown" of this becomes your expertise, you'll probably feel much better. ...And seeing him progress will be so much sweeter to you and your family. He's so cute!