Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tyler at Two

Our cute Tyler turned two on October 5th. We spent the morning at the beach and then had a little party for him. He loved blowing out his candles and eating cake. I thought I should take a few minutes and write about Tyler at age two. He is quite a handful, but we sure love him!

He is full of energy and loves to run back and forth across the living room.

He loves Woody and horses and cowboy boots and cowboy hats and just cowboy stuff in general.

He also loves dinosaurs and trains. So basically, he is of the male gender.

He is finally starting to talk. He is saying quite a few words and even putting a couple of words together. He is still hard to understand, but is making great progress.

He LOVES to color. On everything. Paper, walls, the floor, himself, other people, etc. You name it, he colors on it.

He is a hitter. And a biter and a puncher and a kicker and so on. You get the gist. He's a little aggressive.

He also likes to throw things.

He prefers to be in the nude. Clothes are just not his thing.

He still loves to cuddle. We cuddle at least an hour everyday. For some reason he loves my arms, so while we cuddle, he rubs my arms.

He is very strong. Like He-man style. It's almost a little scary.

He still has some pretty serious food aversions. He hardly eats, but you can't tell from his size. At his check-up this week, he weighed in at 32.5lbs and is 36.5 inches tall.

On the topic of food, he likes to spit food all over the house. His favorite place is the living room rug. We get all excited that he's eaten something and then we later find 10 little piles of spit out food in random places around the house. I have cleaned up at least 30 of these little piles just today.

He loves to play outside. That boy would live outside if we let him. It doesn't matter if it's freezing cold and he's in just a diaper, he still wants to be out there.

He cries a lot. Usually 3-4 hours a day. We sure wish we could figure out how to help him feel a little better.

He has recently started to apologize to objects. For example, the other day the fridge bonked him in the head as it was closing and instead of crying and hitting the fridge, he patted it and said "Sawy fidge, sawy."

When he gets really angry, he meows as loud as he can, over and over again.

He has been sleeping in a toddler bed for a couple of months now, but he still much prefers our bed.

We think he might be half caveman/half viking.

He still loves his "minnie" (binky) and must have it all the time. It helps him to bite less, so we just let him.

He loves to throw rocks. Loves it. It could occupy him for a whole afternoon.

If you call him anything but Tyler or TyTy, he pats his chest and says "I TyTy."

To sum Tyler up, he is a crazy, rambunctious, determined, and stubborn toddler. But he is also very loving and sweet and we can't imagine life without him.

We love you TyTy!

Here are a few party pictures :)