Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"Baby Bed"

Caden found the bassinet this morning in our closet and he dragged it out of our room and down the hall to his room and signed "baby bed" over and over again. He's been playing in it all day and having so much fun. We went looking for him a little while ago and this is where we found him. He is such a silly boy!


Crystal said...

So Cute! I love the Ahh! moments kids have. They can be so silly.

Shannon said...

Kristin, these are the cutest pictures! I love how kids can make a toy or game out of the most simple of things. Nice job on capturing the moment!

Karebear said...

My kids have been putting their stuff animals to sleep in the crib and cradle. I hope when this boy does get here that he has a place to sleep. (We have too many stuff animals)

Michelle Wilkes said...

Awe, my cute little Caden. Hope you got a nap too, Kristin!

Anonymous said...

Okay so I am thinking I do not know you, but I meandered over her from The Curtis' blog and saw that your son has been diagnosed with Autism. I just wanted to share with you that my uncle's wife has an autistic daughter and she is amazing, she does so much for the cause. If you would be interested in getting in touch with her, I am sure she could be a great resource for you. Her daughter is about 9 and we recently did a Walk for Autsim that she helped put together.
Please, come leave me a comment and I will give you her info, if you are interested.
Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

cute baby! (Even though I was there when you took the picture)

~Denise~ said...

That is so sweet.

Anonymous said...

Nick lays in Max's co-sleeper bassinet all the time now. Goofy kiddos, Caden is sooo cute.