Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The deer-1, Erick's car-0


BubbaRooster said...

So the trend continues; if you guys didn't have bad luck, you wouldn't have any at all.
A poor attempt at humor.
Seriously though, I'm glad it wasn't worse.

Kristin said...

It could have been so much worse. It was a HUGE deer. Erick only hit the deer's rear end. Had he hit the whole thing or had he not seen it and slammed on his brakes......I hate to think what would have happened.

Karebear said...

Did the deer walk away like the one that hit Heather? Is his car totalled? Love the Halloween costumes. After all that trick or treating I can only imagine all the candy you have. Save some Laughy Taffy for me (Anna likes that too and there isn't enough for the both of us).

Kristin said...

The deer kept running and we couldn't see it anywhere, but it was pitch black at the time. I'm sure it died somewhere off the side of the road.

The car is definitely totaled. It was sold to us for $1400 and the damage is way more than that. We only had liability on it, so that's not option. We just have to share my van for a while and hope and pray that we can get another car in the future.