Sunday, October 17, 2010

Caden's first day of school in Utah

Caden started back at the same preschool that he went to last year before we moved. He only went there for a few weeks, but he loved it. Teacher Janice is a great teacher and he adored her and made so much progress in her class. He got to ride the bus this year and was so excited about. Then after two weeks, he refused to ride the bus anymore because it was too long. I though that he meant the bus ride was too long, but nope, the actual bus was too long and it bugged him. Yeah, that's my boy. So here are a few pics. He didn't want any pictures taken, so this is how they turned out.


Karebear said...

I am glad to see the blog posts again. I feel like everyone is on facebook and I refuse to go on facebook until I absolutetly have too (like when Anna is older and need to keep an eye on her). So what was I saying? Oh yeah, I miss hearing about how everyone is doing!

Your kids look so good. I bet you just love, love, love on them. I still want MacKenzie for myself!

I love the picture of Tyler with his haircut. The big goose egg on his forehead is such a reflection of his age! Good luck and keep the posts coming.

kelly anne said...

aw caden. love that kid.

i didn't like the bus when i was little because it didn't have seat belts. every time we went on a field trip i thought i was going to die.

Heather said...

Glad to see you posting and glad to hear you are doing well. The long bus comment makes me laugh. I rode on a school bus last week. They are not all they are cracked up to be.