Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bye-Bye Binky!

Caden has been more than attached to his binky pretty much since birth. He ALWAYS had to have one in his mouth and even liked to carry an extra one around with him just in case. When I took him to the dentist in November, the dentist pointed out that Caden's teeth were becoming misshapen because of his excessive binky use. I knew he was right, but I didn't feel like it was good time to take it away because we were moving soon and I really didn't want to deal with it. About a month ago, Caden's speech therapist told me she thought that Caden's articulation was being affected by the shape of his teeth and jaw from the near constant binky use. I was planning on taking it away when he was three, but when she told me that, I knew it was time. So, I told Caden all about the binky fairy and how she would leave him a prize if he would leave all of his binky's out for her to take. I got a couple of prizes and a few days later, we put the plan into action. We had a hard couple of days with lots of tears shed, but he did it. It has been almost two weeks now and he still asks for it once in a while, but for the most part, he has done great. I am so proud of him!!! He is growing up way too fast. Next challenge.....potty training!


e said...

Oh my gosh I miss that boy! I'm going to bring him binkies and tell him I'm the binky fairy. Hope you don't mind.

Karebear said...

That is great! Why do these things have to be so hard sometimes? BTW you are super brave to post preggo pictures of yourself, you even have a smile on your face! So, when do you find out?

Shannon said...

I love the picture of the Caden with the Kitty. Good job on not giving in on the bad days and handing over a binky.

Unknown said...

I remember when my kids lost their binkies that was hard. It looks like you have almost made it through the rough part. You look so cute being pregnant! I can't wait to find out what you are having!

Crystal said...

Way to go Caden! And way to be strong mom. You look super cute pregnant.

TUsulli said...

Good for you guys! It's hard to give up our "security blankets". I'm told I still have one (it rhymes with 'hike & like').

Sister Hamilton said...

Good Work Caden, and an extra star for the Mom who put it into action. The Binky Fairy took it to a new baby.
Keep up the good work Kristen.

Linda said...

It will be weird to see Caden without a binky but I'm glad you have been successful. It's not an easy thing to do.

When Shaun finally got off of his bottles he was sure he saw a kangaroo in the laundry room and so the kangaroo took the bad rap for stealing his bottles.

I love the pics of Caden! Cute cute cute!

BubbaRooster said...

Man, I love that boy, and I love all those pictures. You know, boys never give up their binkies; they just find substitutes like candy, gum, soda pop, etc. Unlike girls who substitute dumb things like ice, carrots, celery sticks and rice cakes.