Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Sweet Tyler

Last Monday, Tyler picked up a flat iron and recieved 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his palm and four fingers on his left land. It has been a nightmare to watch him struggle with the pain. We are going to the burn clinic in Lubbock again on Thursday and should have a better idea then about if/when he will need skin grafting and surgery. We have also been in contact with Shriners in Galveston (the closest Shriners to us that treats burns) about possibly transferring his care there. Please keep our sweet baby in your prayers.

Day #1 about 2 hours after it happened. Finally passed out at the ER once the pain meds kicked in

Day #3

Day #7-white=bad unless it's dead skin and none of the white in this pic is dead skin.

1 comment:

BubbaRooster said...

I'm SO SO sorry to see this pictures of my little Tyler. We will pray for him (and all of you) every day.