Carter, Caden, Drew, Isaac
Caden, Carter, Tyler
TyTy's grumpy face
Tyler loves babies and couldn't get enough of baby Colt
Going to town on that ice cream cone
Trying on Bubba's new hat :)
We spent a few days at my Grandparent's house and had so much fun. My Grandma and I are so much alike, so we were very relaxed and had a great time.
Grandpa and Cierra playing in the rain. We hadn't seen rain for so long!
Grandpa, Tyler, Kenz, Cierra, Grandma Carol, and Caden.
My Grandparent's and me :)
We spent lots of time with Grandma Linda, Megan and Tanner. Caden and Tanner are besties (most of the time anyway)
Caden, Tyler, Tanner
We took trax downtown one day and stopped and ate at Pier 49 Pizza for lunch.
My Ty baby and me
Caden enjoying his pizza
Waiting for the train to head to Temple Square
At the Visitors Center. Tyler and Caden both love trains, so they had fun looking around in there.
The Christus. My favorite part of downtown. Caden was completely freaked out going up the ramp to see it. He thought we were really going up to
On the ride home. Tyler's two loves are trains and horses, so he had a great trip.
He fell asleep just before we got back to Sandy. Cutest baby ever.
I spent one morning rescuing 12 baby quail from a window well at the Sullivan's house. They were teeny tiny (like the size of a quarter) and it took me hours to get them all out.
This one hung around for a while after I got him out.
Angi developed pre-eclampsia while we were there, so they delivered Braden early. Boo on pre-eclampsia, but yay that we got to meet him! He is so super cute! We can't wait to see him again in October.
Caden adores babies and was very upset when we had to leave.
Kenzie playing in the rain.
At Cafe Rio again. It is way too loud in there for Caden. If we forget his headphones, we don't get to go in.
Cierra and I saw these cute bunnies in Salt Lake one morning right outside a building where she was having a test done.
Getting prepped for the MEG scan. It took a full hour to get her ready. We still don't have the results yet. I called again today, but they are still not ready.
Cierra getting her ears pierced. She has had them done twice before, so hopefully they work out this time.
My mama and me
My mom with all the kids.
So that is a short summary of the rest of our trip. We had a great time in Utah, but I never want to be away from home for six weeks again. The medical stuff made the trip stressful, but we tried to do lots of fun stuff inbetween. Tyler's hand is looking great. We saw the surgeon and ordered three more gloves. He has to wear them for another six months or so. Once we hit the one year mark from the accident, they will be able to give us a better idea about his need for surgery in the future. Caden saw the neurologist because of his chronic headaches and they diagnosed him with viral encephalitis and said that it would take 6-8 months to go away completely.
This was on the drive home. Caden spotted the letter I out the window, so we had to take a picture of it. Since he has been learning the alphabet, he loves to find letters everywhere we go.
We are so glad to be home and are enjoying a huge rainstorm tonight (the first one here since September.)