Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cupcake the kitten

Friday night, Erick came home from work with a kitten. He had found her wandering around at his work and he couldn't stand to leave her there all alone. The kids fell in love instantly, especially Caden. Caden signed "Caden's cat" over and over again. We seriously contemplated keeping her, but after watching her for 24 hours, decided that it would be best to drop her off at the shelter. She was much too small to be away from her Mama and she didn't know how to eat or drink out of bowl or use a litter box. So, on Saturday afternoon, we went and dropped Cupcake off at the vet's office that's down the street from our house. Cierra cried the most and is still sad about it today, but I know that she'll get over it eventually. Besides, we still have two very cute grown-up cats to take care :)


Terrie said...

Those pictures are so sweet...they almost make me feel bad that we don't have any pets, almost.

Karebear said...

Oh, Caden looks so cute with the kitty. When we came to close on our house a few weeks ago we had a walk through of our new home. There was bait out for either mice or rats. That freaked me out. We had our realator contact the other realator to find out what it was for. We were in our car driving to go get lunch and Ben said that if there is mice we are definately getting a cat. I was surprised by him. I thought, oh the kids will love a cat. (I was terrified to have a pet) I believe Ben would have bought a cat before we even moved in. When we got to lunch our realator said that it was just a precaution since she had a lot of boxes around and had heard that mice tend to find those places to live.

I was relived to know first that there weren't any mice and second we didn't need to buy a cat. I believe someday we will get a pet, but I just wasn't ready for it. They are cute to look at!

Shannon said...

I love little animals when they are small. And then they get big and aren't nearly as cute..Your kids do look pretty cute with the kitten.

Heather said...

Cupcake left his mark on Drew too. Since he met her he asks everyday when we can get a cat now.

Heather said...


Michelle Wilkes said...

So, Heather, you should know that in our family, when we say an animal "left his mark" on someone, it means that they peed on them. (Ask Dave about his rabbit). I think if that had happened, Drew might not be so keen on having one. Cupcake is so cute, though, maybe he would have anyway.